The media purports to us a picture of the veiled woman, oppressed and forced to cover herself despite her will and they entitle it as "Oppression".
This may be true for some women, who live in very closed societies, but the majority wear it by choice.
Hijab (the headscarf) may not be for everyone, but the idea that a woman who wears the hijab is oppressed and mislead is an utter fallacy. It is a personal choice, and when we live in a world where personal choices are tolerated more and more, it seems inconceivable that wearing a cloth on one's head would cause so many to shake their heads in dismay.
Muslims view the hijab (the headscarf) as a symbol of modesty and chastity, where a woman's character is emphasized rather than the externals. It is a statement of the religion. Women choose to wear it because they believe it has been ordained by God. They prefer not to be characterized by their externals or physical beauty, but rather, by spiritual beauty. The hijab represents this.
You may agree or disagree, but to call it "oppression" offhand is offensive to the many millions who feel liberated by wearing it.