Friday 28 December 2007

True Friends

True friends will stand by your through everything. They won't care if you are right, wrong or indifferent. In their eyes, it doesn't matter. All that matters is your feelings. As Leonardo DiCaprio's famous line from Titanic states, "you jump, I jump."


Tuesday 25 December 2007

True Friendship

We come across a rare breed in our lifetimes. The breed is that of true friendship. They come once every so often into our lives and lift our spirits as no one else can. There are three different types of friends. The first type is the one that pretends to be our friend. Those are the ones that we can do without. You can see them coming from a mile away and if you are smart, you will run like the wind.

The second type are those that are your friends but they have an ulterior motive. They aren't as easy to spot as the "pretender" so you have to be a little more cautious. The final types of friends are the ones that are true to what the word really means. These are the ones that you want in your life forever.


Monday 24 December 2007

Punishment Of Flying Dove Is Not Gun

We were born with potential
We were born with goodness and trust
We were born with ideals and dreams
We were born with greatness
We were born with wings
We are not meant for crawling
We have wings
Learn to use them and fly

Saturday 22 December 2007


Tolerance, kindness and dignity have a unique place among moral principles. When tolerance is gone, there's always force and violence, not to mention ashes always fly back into the face of him who throws them to some one else!

Just imagine a world, full of people with same opinion, how dull that world would be! The price of the democratic way of life is a growing appreciation of people's differences, not merely as tolerable, but as the essence of a rich and rewarding human experience.

Thursday 20 December 2007


❣When someone isn't good to you,a black spot of hatred is born in your heart ... If u don't wash that spot at once, it might grow into a blackboard!❣

Wednesday 12 December 2007

I Dream of a Better World

I Dream of a Better World,
Where, people are equal!
A world with no king, no queen, no boss of all people!

A world where all children are safe and happy,
With no fear of abuse,
With no fear of starvation,
With no fear of cruelty!
A world of pain free!

A world when people can feel, they can be themselves!
A world where people have respect of each other!
A world where each person can truly respect themselves!
A world where each person is truly fortunate!

Where hatred has no place!
Where prejudice and discrimination means nothing!
Where no one won’t be torture, executed for what they believe!
A world with no nuclear bombs, no gunpowder, no artillery!

A world full of nobility!
A world full of compassion!
A world full of humanity!
A world full of peace!

A world where we all can respect the earth!


Saturday 8 December 2007

Father - عقابى در آسمان

My father gave me the greatest gift anyone could give to his child,
he believed in me and taught me it’s easy to be human but it is hard to remember your humanity!

پدرم بزرگترين هديه اى را كه يك پدر مى تواند به فرزندش بدهد را به من داد، او مرا باور داشت و به من آموخت كه انسان بودن آسان است اما انسانيت را فراموش نكردن دشوار

Wonders Of Iran:In Search of Heaven

Legend: The Genesis of Civilisation” (later made into a documentary for the Discovery Channel) the British Egyptologist and historian David Rohl suggests that the Biblical Garden of Eden was situated in Tabriz or Oromieh.

“In Search of Heaven” recounts the spiritual odyssey of American missionary Howard Conklin Baskerville. His 1907 passage to Iran, as a teacher, led to philosophical revelations that would not only impact his own life, but his students as well. Baskerville’s journey to enlightenment drew him to become the driving inspiration behind a revolution of freedom for a politically, and religiously, oppressed people.

The city of Tabriz, where Howard met his end, has recently been postulated as the original “Garden Of Eden.” Certified Scholars identify the location next to City of Tabriz as the modern city of Rezahehe (Oromieh) birth place of Adam and Eve.

Christians will be fascinated by this. That includes Jews. The followers of Islam also believe that there was a real birthplace where in Adam and Even were created and call it “Baghe Behesht,” which translates as the same thing as “Garden of Eden.” In the book the reader will get familiar with the city which was the place of Garden of Eden and the birth place of Adam and Eve. The novel, “In Search of Heaven”, has been adapted into a screenplay and is currently being developed into a major motion picture.

Wednesday 14 November 2007

Fly Higher

I said: I am so small I can barely be seen
How can this great love be inside me?

And he said: your eyes are even smaller
Yet they behold the world

Stop the words now
Open the window in the centre of your chest
And let the spirits fly in and out

Tuesday 6 November 2007

Shazdeh Garden

The city of Mahan is located in the southeast of Kerman. At a distance of 6 km. from the south of Mahan, is a beautiful and large garden named "Shazdeh Garden" which is a rectangular green oasis surrounded by brown desert. "Shazdeh Garden" meaning Prince’s Garden is a historical Persian garden.The structure is relative to the Qajar era. There are various pools constructed in the garden that is sheltered with fine trees.
The garden was built for and during the eleven years of the governance of Abdolhamid Mirza Naserodolleh (during Qajar dynasty). The construction was left unfinished due to death of Abdolhamid Mirza in early 1890s.

The garden is 5.5 hectares with a rectangular shape and a wall around it. It consists of an entrance structure and gate at the lower end and a two-floor residential structure at the upper end. The distance between these two is ornamented with water fountains that are engined by the natural incline of the land. The garden is a fine example of Persian gardens that take advantage of suitable natural climate.

Sunday 28 October 2007

Recognize Your True Friends!

Despite what one may think it is actually very easy to see which of your friends are true friends. This I admit, may not be obvious at first, but the longer you know someone the more you can see whether they are true friend potential. You can see fairly soon whether they are reliable or not.

A true friend is the one you can call at any time of day and they will be available to listen.

A true friend will hold your hand if another friend or relative is sick. They will be there just to be, understanding that you just need time to process what is happening. They won't push you to talk, but they will be there if and when you decide you want to. If you call a friend at this very trying time, and they don't come running, then realise that there are better friends out there.

Nobody should go through painful times alone, and friends are the most important people to get us through these.

Lives change, time passes, we evolve, and the thing to understand is basically this. A true friend will always be there no matter what happens within our lives. You can go several months without talking to a good friend and they would still be there at a moments notice if needed to listen, catch up on each others lives, or hold your hand in a time of need. A good and true friend calls just to chat or check on you when you are having a tough time, hey don't leave you "hanging."

Friendship isn't one sided. It's a relationship of give and take the same as any other. If you have a friend that doesn't play by these rules, then maybe they aren't such a true friend after all.

Friendship is not expecting anything in return!

Monday 22 October 2007

Safavid Period Architecture

Safavid art refers to art in Persia (Iran) during the dynasty of the same name (1501-1722), a high point for the art of the book and architecture; other art at the time included ceramics, metal and glass.


For the third time in the history of the Safavids, the capital of the empire changed under Shah Abbas: to Isfahan, a city in a more centralized location than Tabriz or Qazvin (which is between Tehran and Tabriz). A new capital was thus set up beside the ancient city, organized around a meydan, a large place 512 metres long by 159 wide. On one side stands the Shah's mosque, on the other the Shah's oratory, called the mosque of Sheikh Lutfallah, while the pavilion Ali Qapu opens onto a large pleasure walkway (Chahar Bagh) and the grand bazaar led to the old mosque on Fridays. Two bridges cross the Zayandeh River, leading to an Armenian section taking the name of Nea Julfa.

Chaharbagh school

A tiling collection, The Madresse chaharbagh, or royal school, also named after the king's mother; is one of the last, but otherwise most beautiful works of Safavid period architecture. It was built at the time of Shah Sultan Hussain, the last of the safavid kings. The building also displays the art of tile work at its best. It is an example of late Safavid period tile work. On the eastern wing of the school was the king's mother caravansary, a place for travellers to rest. Today it has been turned into the magnificent Abbasi Hotel, itself a museum of post-Safavid works of art. (17th century after Christ).

Photos by Mehrdad Tadjdini

Sunday 7 October 2007


Many westerners do not understand why Shia Muslims mourn the martyred Imam Hossein as though the event did not occur a thousand years ago but as if it happened as recently as yesterday?

The simple answer is: Ashoura shouldn’t fade away! Because Ashoura means stand up to oppressors and tyrants, no matter of the price!

Speak the truth though against yourself. Support and stand the justice, denounce the injustice. Don’t live under Tyrant!
There was a noble reason that demanded the martyrdom of Imam Hossein. The simple and obvious reason is simply to preserve faith, Truth, Justice, Equality and Freedom and they are all precious values that demanded precious sacrifice. So why let Ashoura fades away?

Ashoura is a story of cruelty, loss and grief; a story of love, faith and courage. The tragedy of Ashoura will leave a permanent mark on the soul of any free and compassionate spirit, regardless of religion or race.

Tuesday 2 October 2007

Iran, Esfahan, Chadegan

Chādegān (also

Chadgun and Chadugan) is a town and the main centre of Chadegan County, one of Esfahan province’s western divisions (shahrestan).

Dam and reservoir

Chadegan Reservoir on the Zayandeh River is the largest in Isfahan Province. It was formed in 1972 by the Zayandeh Dam. The dam was initially named Shah Abbas Dam after Shah Abbas I, the most influential king of the Safavid dynasty, but it was changed to Zayandeh Dam after the Islamic revolution in 1979. Since 1972, the Chadegan Reservoir has helped prevent seasonal flooding of the Zayandeh River.

Saturday 29 September 2007


Britsh MPs visiting the Pentagon to discuss America's stance on Iran and Iraq were shocked to be told by one of President Bush's senior women officials. "I hate all Iranians"

She looks scary! Imagine if she had said the opposite!

Friday 28 September 2007

Ed è subito sera

Ognuno sta solo sul cuor della terra
trafitto da un raggio di sole:
ed è subito sera.

Everyone stands alone at the heart of the Earth
transfixed by a ray of sunlight,
and suddenly it is evening.


One cannot always be a hero, but one can always be a human! Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.
Albert Einstein once said: “Remember your humanity and forget the rest!”

Wednesday 26 September 2007


l'anima di una donna vive nel suo amore

Io m'aggio posto in core a Dio servire,
Com'io potesse gire in paradiso,
Al santo loco ch'aggio audito dire
U'si mantien sollazzo, gioco e riso.

Sanza mia donna non li voria gire,
Quella c'ha blonda testa e claro viso,
Chè sanza lei non poteria gaudire,
Estando da la mia donna diviso.

Ma non lo dico a tale intendimento,
Perch'io peccato ci volesse fare,
Se non veder lo suo bel portamento,
E lo bel viso e 'l morbido a sguardare:
Chè lo mi teria in gran consolamento,
Veggendo la mia donna in ghioria stare.

Giàcumu da Lintini